Our world needs this forgiveness challenge.

Do you know what I think?

I think before anyone can progress they must forgive themselves.

It is the answer to all.

If we forgive ourselves the world will be easy to heal.

For if we fill nothing but LOVE inside our own souls what else is there to share to the world but LOVE?


Join me.



An unspoken, kept in a closet, subject so many women don’t speak. I am speaking it so I can heal.

Embrace this blog with grace. (CLICK ON THE YOU-TUBE LINK)


There comes a time in a woman’s life when no matter how much we try and deny it, age has a affect on our lives. This reality can come in small packages like a first deep wrinkle or huge awakenings for an long overdue DR visit. In any case, it will come. The undeniable fact wont let you pass by it, no matter how in control or prepared one believes they are .

For me, saying goodbye to a life long friend is my reality. She served me well. For 9 months she held and nurtured each of my precious children. Together we wrapped, fed and watched over them as they grew. So many times she even protected them for me. She grafted the bond between a mother an a child, holding us close as she fed life’s blood into their souls. She warned me ahead of time if I refused to rest, grounding me until danger had lifted. When her work was almost complete she talked with me, quieted my mind, opened a clearer channel to Gods listening ear, letting me know, time was drawing near. A door was opened and she let go. The cords were cut as she said goodbye, quieting herself, allowing me to comfort her. There were times we struggled to save the weakest gifts but it was not meant to be. She talked with God and together they decided. I fought and cried but she stood her ground. She released them back into his waiting arms, letting me know we were OK.

…….and now…….

She raised her voice one last time, letting me know she is tired and her work is complete. Hers is not a quiet voice. I have no choice. The clearer channel to Gods listening ear is open again. I fought and cried, prayed and pleaded but he stands his ground.
He is quieting my mind telling me its time to say goodbye. Its my turn to release her back into his waiting arms. There are no word but a quiet memory of our time together. Thank you my old friend.

One last walk you and I take. I am meeting God at the gates. What will I see? What will we say? Will I let go?


                          FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND

One night a woman had a dream. She dreamed she was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from her life. For each scene she noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to her and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of her life flashed before her, she looked back at the footprints in the sand. She noticed that many times along the path of her life there was only one set of footprints. She also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of her life.

This really bothered her and she questioned the LORD about it. LORD you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.

The LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.






The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

— Jelaluddin Rumi,work clothes


My heart is drawn to a story about 6 little children. 4 girls and 2 boys. Their mom of 29 had died of cancer when the little one, a girl, was 4 month old, and the oldest child was 10. Their mom had cancer while carrying Ruthann. Life would never be the same, and yet…. there was a gift in disguise. A young woman, Rachel, stepped into their lives, married their dad and shoulder the burden while a family mourned and struggled. Life was different. As these children grew, there seemed to linger a question unanswered, WHY?

The youngest child who was loved by many, Ruthann, struggled silently with the not knowing of her mom. Never knowing her voice, her soft touch. Rachel’s love grew into the hearts of these children giving them strength to look forward but there was a place in Ruthann’s heart that needed filled.

The years passed and the children grew up and began their own lives. Ruthann was a teenager at this time. Then one day The oldest boy, Michael, called his siblings and said he wanted them to all meet at a certain restaurant, he had a surprise for them. They all met and Michael gave each one of his sisters a red rose, their moms favorite flower. Stories of the past, tears, laughter, hugs were all shared. Then Michael asked his siblings to follow him in their cars. He lead them to the home they were born in, (their dad and Rachel had since moved). The siblings were puzzled? Michael explained he had contacted the owners of the home and asked for permission to spend an hour in the home going through memories and showing Ruthann where they had lived. Love was encircled around all the siblings. After their visit of memories in the old home, they walked outside and in front, Michael told a story.

He had called many aunts and uncles to see if they had old forgotten photos of their mom. Not many photos were taken back in the 50s and 60s as times were hard. He called their Aunt Maureen and he said she asked him to come over. He went to visit her, she said she had something for him. She was very close to their mom and her death was hard on her. She had gone to visit their mom while she was dying. She was bedridden. Maureen told him that while she was visiting, their mom had something clinched in her hand. Maureen said, “with tears down your moms face, she whispered to me and said give this to Ruthann when she is old enough. Tell her I did it for her. Tell my children I love them”.
Maureen went to her closet and took down a box. She opened it and took something out, giving it to Michael and said, I had forgotten about it until you called.

As Michael told the story, he walked up to Ruthann and opened her hand, placed the cameo broach their mom used to wear in it. Tears streamed down the girls face, a lifetime of emotion released. The siblings circled around her hugging her. She said she always felt left out because they had some kind of memory of their mom. The day was ending so the siblings said their goodbye and got in their cars……… As I drove away with my baby sister, Ruthann in my back seat, through the rear view mirror, I watched tears of joy pour out as she held that cameo broach to her heart. I knew she was talking to our mother.

Our lives are good and our gifts are many. Rachel gave us a mothers love unexplained. She had 6 children of her own and our family grew in abundance. May we all notice the unseen miracles in our lives. Blessings to you all.



Sometimes there are unexplained experiences that happen, and there are no mortal words to express them. I am not sure how to share this experience with you all but I do know it is too big to let sleep. Last night I was having a spiritual conversation with a close friend. We were talking of different values people have. Our conversation came to a point to where our thoughts had become one.  We reached a thought that was so profound and the same moment we saw the same vision the same quote,simultaneously we spoke these words,   “I AM BECKONED BY MY HIGHER SELF!” . What a concept! What an awakening. What a gift.

My heart was touched and at this point, I know not the right words to express it.

I leave you with this to contemplate as you wish. Live a wonderful growing life.

~Tamara~ Dec 9 2012The_Higher_self


Life has many twists and turns, constantly shifting and the winds of time can find us in the most unexpected experiences. The mirrors of reality are always showing us ourselves. There is truth to the quote People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime!” The rarest gift is when an unexpected soul enters your life and wants nothing and yet grows in friendship with you. The truest friend listens to your pain and then laughs at the small things in your pain to help you see its not so heavy. They dont step into your drama but lift you out of it. They help you see the good in the people who hurt you.  This is as rare as the precious stones of the earth. I have found, not just one but two people who have become , what I call, my Dikini’s. The cleanest, purest of lights one could imagine. “When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you!” God reveals his hand every day of our lives. Whether in people, places, winds, space, or the whispers in your heart “The still small voice”!

This post is dedicated to God and his gifts given to me, for holding me in his hand, for showing me I am not alone.

The Power Of Words

Words are the power of consciousness…….into the heart of another’s subconscious……..

What is the meaning of our words? How do we use them? Are they uplifting or demeaning to others.

Do we share them to snare others power into our own? Nothing is sharper than a 2 edged s-word!

We can choose to slay our fellow-man with the blood thirsty vengeance of our s-worded tongue or

sooth the savage beast within our own self and speak words of kind forgiving growth.

A double-edged s-word moves like a rushing hot volcano of lava through the very core of one,

scarring hopes and beliefs. Too many times we rush to spew our heated words into another, to try and strip the others power.

Nothing good ever comes from one telling another what they percieve their faults to be.


Lay down the s-word……….

Guarding our tongues with tender encouragement gives light to the other and spiritual growth.

Nothing speaks louder than a pleasant smile, a hug, a hand to help.

Love truly is the greatest gift God gave us. There is no fight in it. timthumb

Gods grace holds us in our struggles.

You are Loved, I am Loved.

(now look at the other person, they werent so bad after all)!
