ImageEveryday there is a profound moment. A thought that triumphs over all the others. It is the goal we see ourselves in down the road. Some days lifting us up to a place of strength. Other days it can hang on like wet clothing. For me, I have built a morning ritual.

Before anyone wakes and the house is quiet, I visualize my self mirror, look at me and ask:

  • Where am I in my want to be realm?
  • Have I achieved or retrieved?
  • Who do I let intimidate me?
  • Do I like where I am heading?

I faced myself today. I saw my triumph and my error. I saw who/what “I” was letting effect me. I saw where I had risen a bit higher.

I read in one of James Redfield’s books that when someone is sending negative vibes your way, rather than becoming defensive, visualize a bluish white energy of light around them. When we energetically put up defensives, our energy field is red and it can feed the negativity others feel towards you. It works! It doesn’t necessarily change who that person is but they will learn to respect you.