Real Grit

Someone told me this morning

they have watched me change

in the last five years.

That I use to shine

I use to be Tender

I use to carry a gentle refinement,

A Peace, A Light Within.

. . .  . . .  . . .

I am a little worn

a little tired


There have been brighter days,

and there have been much darker days.

. . .  . . .

I took a jump into the Unknown

On a leap of Faith, I trusted the Love in Me

To aim for that Star

Beckoning myself to Trust, Believe in that greater possibility

Within Myself.

. . .

The Wind of difference shredded my ego.

Giving me Sight!

The Earth shook my vanity down to rubble.

Giving me Vulnerability!

The Fire burned what was no longer serving me.

Giving me new Growth!

The Water cleaned me off, smoothing me over.

Giving me Higher-Self!


I may be tired

my hands dirty

my eyes still

my words direct

I have been mining within, diamonds in the rough!